Community, Environment, Livability, Affordability, Good Government
Cambridge Citizens Coalition is proud to have been the first Cambridge civic group to submit a zoning petition to end single family exclusionary zoning, the 2021 Advancing Housing Affordability Petition (also referred to as the Donovan Petition): HERE. We believe the 2024-25 citywide luxury housing up-zoning is misguided not only because it lacks design guidelines and oversight, removes legal rights from residents and will lead to home demolitions, evictions, and lease terminations. This citywide plan is potentially harmful to the environment, runs counter to our Envision plan, and will primarily benefit outside investors and developers. The local (area, and national) housing crisis around which this proposal has been framed, carries striking commonalities with disaster capitalism actions, with large investment groups buying up local housing, increasing housing costs for renters and owners alike. The resulting "crisis" is being used to pressure local governments to remove long standing zoning guardrails and the legal rights of residents. Read more HERE. CCC also did not support the part-publicly-funded housing development plan known as AHO because it removed design oversight from the Planning Board and legal right to appeal. To date no design guidelines have been submitted for the amended 2021 AHO ordinance which is also without design oversight and has removed legal rights from citizens.
We support responsible governance, not the demolition of homes in lower income neighborhoods to make way for luxury housing.
There is not a scintilla of evidence that the current citywide luxury housing petition will bring down housing prices: more likely it will increase housing costs.
There is not a scintilla of evidence that the current citywide luxury housing petition will bring down housing prices: more likely it will increase housing costs.
For Election Work the Nov. 2025 City Council and School Committee donate via ActBlue HERE
For the civic work of the Cambridge Citizens Coalition donate online via ACT BLUE
Checks for Election efforts sent to Cambridge Citizens Coalition IE PAC can be mailed to CCC at P.O. Box 410291, Cambridge, MA 02141.
Checks to Cambridge Citizens Coalition for our Civic Work can be mailed to CCC at P.O. Box 410083, Cambridge, MA 02141.
For Election Work the Nov. 2025 City Council and School Committee donate via ActBlue HERE
For the civic work of the Cambridge Citizens Coalition donate online via ACT BLUE
Checks for Election efforts sent to Cambridge Citizens Coalition IE PAC can be mailed to CCC at P.O. Box 410291, Cambridge, MA 02141.
Checks to Cambridge Citizens Coalition for our Civic Work can be mailed to CCC at P.O. Box 410083, Cambridge, MA 02141.
Cambridge Citizens Coalition is proud to have been the first Cambridge civic group to submit a zoning petition to end single family exclusionary zoning, the 2021 Advancing Housing Affordability Petition (also referred to as the Donovan Petition): HERE. We believe the 2024-25 citywide luxury housing up-zoning is misguided not only because it lacks design guidelines and oversight, removes legal rights from residents and will lead to home demolitions, evictions, and lease terminations. This citywide plan is potentially harmful to the environment, runs counter to our Envision plan, and will primarily benefit outside investors and developers. The local (area, and national) housing crisis around which this proposal has been framed, carries striking commonalities with disaster capitalism actions, with large investment groups buying up local housing, increasing housing costs for renters and owners alike. The resulting "crisis" is being used to pressure local governments to remove long standing zoning guardrails and the legal rights of residents. Read more HERE. CCC also did not support the part-publicly-funded housing development plan known as AHO because it removed design oversight from the Planning Board and legal right to appeal. To date no design guidelines have been submitted for the amended 2021 AHO ordinance which is also without design oversight and has removed legal rights from citizens.
NOTE: Information on the Multi-Family Luxury Citywide Upzoning Petition is now found on a separate page: HERE
Optional text: As a Cambridge resident, I strongly urge you to oppose the citywide multi-story rezoning petition. There are too many unresolved questions and issues around the current proposed ordinance to create more housing. We need outside independent professionals to help draft a plan that will do what we really need it to do without harming our environment, pushing out lower-income residents, demolishing existing homes, and transforming neighborhoods. Council should let the current proposal expire and start over in the spring.
Email Contacts for councillors:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]
Sign Up link for Speaking at any City Meeting (24 hours before): HERE cambridgema.gov/publiccomment (to fill in the "agenda item" or "policy number" simply write "up-zoning" or another topic)
You can watch Cambridge, Massachusetts City Council meetings in several ways, including: On TV: Tune in to Channel 22-City View Local Access
On the Open Meeting Portal: Go to cambridgema.iqm2.com and navigate to the meeting you want to view
On Zoom: Follow the link for City Council Meetings to participate virtually
On 22-CityView: Watch live broadcasts on Mondays at 5:30 PM, and again on Wednesdays at 5:30 PM and Fridays at 10 AM You can also find archived versions of past meetings on the Open Meeting Portal.
Closed captioning is available for City Council meetings. To turn it on or off, you can: Click the live streaming link to watch the meeting Click the “CC” button in the bottom right of the video screen Select “Off” or “On” If you have problems, you can contact the Office of the City Clerk at (617) 349-4260
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]
Sign Up link for Speaking at any City Meeting (24 hours before): HERE cambridgema.gov/publiccomment (to fill in the "agenda item" or "policy number" simply write "up-zoning" or another topic)
You can watch Cambridge, Massachusetts City Council meetings in several ways, including: On TV: Tune in to Channel 22-City View Local Access
On the Open Meeting Portal: Go to cambridgema.iqm2.com and navigate to the meeting you want to view
On Zoom: Follow the link for City Council Meetings to participate virtually
On 22-CityView: Watch live broadcasts on Mondays at 5:30 PM, and again on Wednesdays at 5:30 PM and Fridays at 10 AM You can also find archived versions of past meetings on the Open Meeting Portal.
Closed captioning is available for City Council meetings. To turn it on or off, you can: Click the live streaming link to watch the meeting Click the “CC” button in the bottom right of the video screen Select “Off” or “On” If you have problems, you can contact the Office of the City Clerk at (617) 349-4260
CCC favors letting this up-zoning petition run out in February and restarted with more outside professional help. However, if it is going to pass (preferably as a 3+3) we want to see the following changes:
- Corridors: Tall structures (6 stories and higher) can ONLY be built on corridors.
- Step Downs: Tall structures (6 stories and higher) must have step downs to the neighborhoods. See HERE
- Additions & ADU projects need limitations to existing main building height and scale.
- Setbacks/Open space: Fix current language that now can allow ZERO green ground space. See HERE
- Add 10’ side/rear setbacks in A & B districts for environmental reasons (& prevent mature tree losses)
- Stop McMansions: add language to allow only projects that add two plus new units in new upzoning rules.
- Demolitions should have 10% project cost fee paid to the city to address environmental harm & infrastructure changes.
- Infrastructure load must be assessed & addressed before building permit granted (water, sewage, electric, traffic etc.).
- New building & addition plans at ISD must be available online & neighbors must have two early meetings with developers & CDD.
- Solar panel protection must be in place in residential areas before Council votes. See HERE
- Legal appeal must be allowed if supported by 3 or more Councillors, in specific cases of fraud or major non-compliance.
CCC is honored to add two new Board Members, a Public Outreach Officer and a number of new Advisory Group members to our distinguished team!
New Board Members and Officers:
Francesca Gordini is an East Cambridge architect
Katiti Kironde is a North Cambridge Designer
Sara Nelson is a Cambridgeport pediatrician and active in Care Housing
Recently Appointed Advisory Group Members:
Lawrence Adkins is a Riverside neighborhood leader, formerly working with FEMA
Susy Bunanta is a Coolidge Hill Engineer at Harvard University
Liz Byron is a Huron area CARE co-founder and Boston Public School Teacher
Dennis Carlone is a Neighborhood 9 Architect and former Cambridge City Councillor
Scheri Fultineer is a Kirkland Village architect and Boston Museum School Dean
CCC ran out of our first order of yard signs; we just received 2 redesigned versions of our most popular ones! If you can host one let us know & we will bring it to you.
Read Our Other Many Reports on these and Related Subjects:
Deconstruct Don’t Demolish: Older Building Reuse (1.29.25): HERE
Upzoning Green Space VS Open Space VS Green Roofs VS Climate Harm (1.21.25) HERE
Take CARE: Up-Zoning Can Bring Major Solar Panel-linked Environmental and Economic Losses (1.25.25) HERE
BEUDO: What Every Cambridge Resident Should Be Following (7.27.23): HERE
Environmental Impacts & Upzoning: Trees, City Policy, and Practice (10.3.24): HERE
Cambridge Trees: Policy and Impacts (9.29.24): HERE
CCC Advisor & Landscape Architect, Elena Sapporta, reports on Memorial Drive's threatened Sycamore trees: HERE
Multi-Family/AHO Zoning Petition Comments & Recommendations by Architect Dennis Carlone (Neighborhood Nine Presentation of 1.6.26)(2.9.25). HERE
Property Value Impacts in Upzoning by Charles Norris (1.31.24) HERE
Housing Outlooks: Demography, Migration, and Changing Home Starts (1.30.25) HERE
The View From My Window (1.25.25) HERE
Multi-Family Project Reviews in the Up-Zoning Petition by Gordon Moore (1.24.25) HERE
Dirt: Why is Vancouver so Insanely Expensive (extract from P. Condon’s Jan 16, 2025 Maclean article) HERE
Design Impacts for Homes new Squares and Corridors by Gordon Moore HERE
Cambridge: Up-zoning Increases Gentrification and Reduces Affordability by Realtor, Ed Abrams (1.14.25) HERE
Three Cambridge Photos: The Story of Upzoning Impacts (1.14.25) HERE
Diversity, Bias, Age, Race & Gentrification in Our Zoning Criteria (1.13.25): HERE
Form-Based Zoning: Cambridge Goal Since 2021 (1.12.25): HERE
Roll the Dice: Randomness Planning & Its Problems (1.12.25): HERE
Mapping Cambridge Housing Diversity and Potential Housing Impacts (3.13.24): HERE
Cambridge Specific Needs: Upzoning for Best Outcomes (11.21.24): HERE
Doing the Math: On Residents Housing and Rezoning (11.18.24): HERE
City Housing Data Matters: Graphs, Maps, Analysis (9.28.24) HERE
Why Housing Prices are So High & Going Higher (10.23.24) HERE (Cambridge/Boston Focus)
How to Get Far Better Housing Results (10.14.24): HERE
Likely Citywide Zoning Impacts: What Most Residents Do Not Know (9.27.24): HERE
Cambridge Residents Speak Out Against the Upzoning (1.7.25): HERE
What Responsible Zoning Entails (9.22.24): HERE
No Rules Zoning: One Architect’s View of demolishing 3-Story Homes (9.15.24): HERE
Zoning-in on the 2024 Cambridge City Council Upzoning Petition (5.10.24): HERE
Cambridge Citywide Upzoning Discussions and Data (10.3.24):HERE
Land Speculation & Property Tax problems (12.17.24): HERE
Housing Prices & Crisis Capitalism (with a Cambridge focus – 12.9.24): HERE
Why Housing Prices are so High and Going Higher (10.23.24) HERE (w. Cambridge data on demolitions, prices)
Disaster Capitalism and our Housing Crisis (12.4.24): HERE
Urban History Matters: Here, There, and in Film (11.27.24): HERE
Towering impacts: Planning Locally for the Realities ahead (11.10.24): HEAD
The Cat in the Hat & Housing: Breaking Past Rules, Likely Outcomes (11.7.24): HERE
How to Get Far Better Housing Results (10.14.24): HERE
Land Speculation & Property Tax problems (12.17.24): HERE
Housing Prices & Crisis Capitalism (with a Cambridge focus – 12.9.24): HERE
Why Housing Prices are so High and Going Higher (10.23.24) HERE (w. Cambridge data on demolitions, prices)
Disaster Capitalism and our Housing Crisis (12.4.24): HERE
Urban History Matters: Here, There, and in Film (11.27.24): HERE
Towering impacts: Planning Locally for the Realities ahead (11.10.24): HERE
The Cat in the Hat & Housing: Breaking Past Rules, Likely Outcomes (11.7.24): HERE
How Much New Housing Do We Need (2.1.25): HERE
How to Make Housing More Affordable in Cambridge (1.30.25): HERE
What happens when a city leaves planning & development up to market forces, without design review and oversight
Urban Planners Speak Out on the Cambridge Upzoning Proposal (1.8.25): HERE
Housing Truths, The Hard Facts (what other scholars are saying - 1.7.25): HERE
Trickle Down & Supply Demand (12.17.24): HERE
NYC lessons & Up-Zoning Housing Policy (12.9.24): HERE
Reinventing the Construction Industry to Build More Housing (12.8.24): HERE
Zoning Lessons from Other Cities: Will We Heed Them (10.31.24) HERE
(includes: Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Portland, San Francisco, Vancouver, & other International)
Kennedy-Longfellow School Changes by Cambridge School Committee Member, Elizabeth Hudson (12.17.24) HERE
Parking Minimalism Plans in Cambridge: Why Facts Matter (2.27.22) HERE
Removing Parking Minimums: Likely Consequences: The Buffalo Story (10.11.22): HERE
Upzoning for Dummies: Our citywide up-zoning proposal simplified (10.22.24): HERE
Cambridge Zoning History (with Charles Sullivan - 5.6.21): HERE
[note C.N.A. appears to have removed the video].
Playing Monopoly in Cambridge is Not Just a Game (9.29.21): HERE
Frogs R Us: Unrestrained Development Threatens to Boil us (10.18.21) HERE
Housing for All, Not at All Costs (Doug Brown, Kelly Dolan, Alison Field-Juma
(6.12.19) HERE
CCC 2024 Overview and 2025 Goals (12.30.24) HERE
Radical New AHO Upzoning: Developers Dream (11.18.22) HERE
AHO Interim Report: Past, Present, Future (7.15.24) HERE
Deconstruct Don’t Demolish: Older Building Reuse (1.29.25): HERE
Upzoning Green Space VS Open Space VS Green Roofs VS Climate Harm (1.21.25) HERE
Take CARE: Up-Zoning Can Bring Major Solar Panel-linked Environmental and Economic Losses (1.25.25) HERE
BEUDO: What Every Cambridge Resident Should Be Following (7.27.23): HERE
Environmental Impacts & Upzoning: Trees, City Policy, and Practice (10.3.24): HERE
Cambridge Trees: Policy and Impacts (9.29.24): HERE
CCC Advisor & Landscape Architect, Elena Sapporta, reports on Memorial Drive's threatened Sycamore trees: HERE
Multi-Family/AHO Zoning Petition Comments & Recommendations by Architect Dennis Carlone (Neighborhood Nine Presentation of 1.6.26)(2.9.25). HERE
Property Value Impacts in Upzoning by Charles Norris (1.31.24) HERE
Housing Outlooks: Demography, Migration, and Changing Home Starts (1.30.25) HERE
The View From My Window (1.25.25) HERE
Multi-Family Project Reviews in the Up-Zoning Petition by Gordon Moore (1.24.25) HERE
Dirt: Why is Vancouver so Insanely Expensive (extract from P. Condon’s Jan 16, 2025 Maclean article) HERE
Design Impacts for Homes new Squares and Corridors by Gordon Moore HERE
Cambridge: Up-zoning Increases Gentrification and Reduces Affordability by Realtor, Ed Abrams (1.14.25) HERE
Three Cambridge Photos: The Story of Upzoning Impacts (1.14.25) HERE
Diversity, Bias, Age, Race & Gentrification in Our Zoning Criteria (1.13.25): HERE
Form-Based Zoning: Cambridge Goal Since 2021 (1.12.25): HERE
Roll the Dice: Randomness Planning & Its Problems (1.12.25): HERE
Mapping Cambridge Housing Diversity and Potential Housing Impacts (3.13.24): HERE
Cambridge Specific Needs: Upzoning for Best Outcomes (11.21.24): HERE
Doing the Math: On Residents Housing and Rezoning (11.18.24): HERE
City Housing Data Matters: Graphs, Maps, Analysis (9.28.24) HERE
Why Housing Prices are So High & Going Higher (10.23.24) HERE (Cambridge/Boston Focus)
How to Get Far Better Housing Results (10.14.24): HERE
Likely Citywide Zoning Impacts: What Most Residents Do Not Know (9.27.24): HERE
Cambridge Residents Speak Out Against the Upzoning (1.7.25): HERE
What Responsible Zoning Entails (9.22.24): HERE
No Rules Zoning: One Architect’s View of demolishing 3-Story Homes (9.15.24): HERE
Zoning-in on the 2024 Cambridge City Council Upzoning Petition (5.10.24): HERE
Cambridge Citywide Upzoning Discussions and Data (10.3.24):HERE
Land Speculation & Property Tax problems (12.17.24): HERE
Housing Prices & Crisis Capitalism (with a Cambridge focus – 12.9.24): HERE
Why Housing Prices are so High and Going Higher (10.23.24) HERE (w. Cambridge data on demolitions, prices)
Disaster Capitalism and our Housing Crisis (12.4.24): HERE
Urban History Matters: Here, There, and in Film (11.27.24): HERE
Towering impacts: Planning Locally for the Realities ahead (11.10.24): HEAD
The Cat in the Hat & Housing: Breaking Past Rules, Likely Outcomes (11.7.24): HERE
How to Get Far Better Housing Results (10.14.24): HERE
Land Speculation & Property Tax problems (12.17.24): HERE
Housing Prices & Crisis Capitalism (with a Cambridge focus – 12.9.24): HERE
Why Housing Prices are so High and Going Higher (10.23.24) HERE (w. Cambridge data on demolitions, prices)
Disaster Capitalism and our Housing Crisis (12.4.24): HERE
Urban History Matters: Here, There, and in Film (11.27.24): HERE
Towering impacts: Planning Locally for the Realities ahead (11.10.24): HERE
The Cat in the Hat & Housing: Breaking Past Rules, Likely Outcomes (11.7.24): HERE
How Much New Housing Do We Need (2.1.25): HERE
How to Make Housing More Affordable in Cambridge (1.30.25): HERE
What happens when a city leaves planning & development up to market forces, without design review and oversight
Urban Planners Speak Out on the Cambridge Upzoning Proposal (1.8.25): HERE
Housing Truths, The Hard Facts (what other scholars are saying - 1.7.25): HERE
Trickle Down & Supply Demand (12.17.24): HERE
NYC lessons & Up-Zoning Housing Policy (12.9.24): HERE
Reinventing the Construction Industry to Build More Housing (12.8.24): HERE
Zoning Lessons from Other Cities: Will We Heed Them (10.31.24) HERE
(includes: Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Portland, San Francisco, Vancouver, & other International)
Kennedy-Longfellow School Changes by Cambridge School Committee Member, Elizabeth Hudson (12.17.24) HERE
Parking Minimalism Plans in Cambridge: Why Facts Matter (2.27.22) HERE
Removing Parking Minimums: Likely Consequences: The Buffalo Story (10.11.22): HERE
Upzoning for Dummies: Our citywide up-zoning proposal simplified (10.22.24): HERE
Cambridge Zoning History (with Charles Sullivan - 5.6.21): HERE
[note C.N.A. appears to have removed the video].
Playing Monopoly in Cambridge is Not Just a Game (9.29.21): HERE
Frogs R Us: Unrestrained Development Threatens to Boil us (10.18.21) HERE
Housing for All, Not at All Costs (Doug Brown, Kelly Dolan, Alison Field-Juma
(6.12.19) HERE
CCC 2024 Overview and 2025 Goals (12.30.24) HERE
Radical New AHO Upzoning: Developers Dream (11.18.22) HERE
AHO Interim Report: Past, Present, Future (7.15.24) HERE
Other Articles and Recordings of Importance
"The American Dream (Water Not Included)- Real estate developers are running a dark-money campaign to overturn new housing rules — and ignore basic laws of nature. The Lever (2.7.25): HERE
Design Matters! Harvard GSD Mayor's Forum: "State, City Officials Emphasize Importance of Design in Addressing Housing Issues" (2.7.25): HERE
"Billionaire Blowback & Housing Disruption" (10.2024): HERE
"Citywide Upzoning Proposal and Impacts (1.26.25). Featured speaker: Andrew Berman, Executive Director, Village Preservation (NYC). Local speakers: Liz Byron (co-founder CARE Housing, Cambridge), Ed Abrams (Cambridge Realtor), Al Peterson (Cambridge Developer and Landlord). Watch the video HERE
Recording of Cambridge Day discussion of Up-Zoning (1.29.25): HERE
Boston Globe article (11.21.24) titled "‘We love these buildings’: Should developers get to build six stories anywhere in Cambridge?"
Cambridge Day (11.20.24) Opinion Piece "Zoning lessons from other cities: Will we heed them?"
Harvard Crimson (11.13.24) article titled "'Radical and Irresponsible': Residents Blast Zoning Upheaval at Planning Board Hearing."
Harvard Crimson (10.13.24) on the Neighborhood and Longterm Planning meeting with Neighborhood Group Leaders: Meeting Video (11.13.24): HERE
Boston Globe on former Public Housing Project (now Luxury Condos) HERE
Cambridge Day (11.20.24) Opinion Piece "Zoning lessons from other cities: Will we heed them?"
Harvard Crimson (11.13.24) article titled "'Radical and Irresponsible': Residents Blast Zoning Upheaval at Planning Board Hearing."
Harvard Crimson (10.13.24) on the Neighborhood and Longterm Planning meeting with Neighborhood Group Leaders: Meeting Video (11.13.24): HERE
Boston Globe on former Public Housing Project (now Luxury Condos) HERE
The Added Problem with Tear-downs In this Up-zoning
A useful article on environmental cost of demolitions here: https://restoreoregon.org/2021/04/12/understanding-the-carbon-cost-of-demolition/
- "Conservatively speaking, residential and commercial demolitions in the City of Portland are responsible for 124,741 metric tons of C02 emissions per year, which amounts to approximately 4.5 percent of the City’s total annual reduction goal."
- "This study finds that it takes 10 to 80 years for a new building that is 30 percent more efficient than an average-performing existing building to overcome, through efficient operations, the negative climate change impacts related to the construction process.”
- "calling upon policy makers to acknowledge the environmental impact of sending usable buildings to landfills; strive for density without demolition; provide meaningful incentives for retention and reuse; and maintain or strengthen demolition review requirements for designated historic properties."
Environment & Housing
Get Building Height Right for the Climate! "It may seem obvious that cities filled with big buildings use energy more efficiently than dispersed suburban landscapes, and that newer, taller buildings are more energy-efficient than older, squatter structures. People widely understand that New York City, for example, ranks well on energy use per person, where housing tends toward the vertical, one boiler room can serve many units, and heat rises into the units above, rather than being lost to the sky....Skyscrapers use and lose more energy than low-rise buildings, research shows....
'The results show that height is a significant predictor of energy use, even accounting for other variables,'the researchers wrote in a paper published in the journal Building Research and Information. In fact, each additional story in a building is associated with a 2.4 percent increase in electricity use and 2.9 percent increase in fossil fuel use, more than doubling the average emissions per square foot for the tallest buildings in their survey." Source: Greentech Media November 2020 (read article at link below).
'The results show that height is a significant predictor of energy use, even accounting for other variables,'the researchers wrote in a paper published in the journal Building Research and Information. In fact, each additional story in a building is associated with a 2.4 percent increase in electricity use and 2.9 percent increase in fossil fuel use, more than doubling the average emissions per square foot for the tallest buildings in their survey." Source: Greentech Media November 2020 (read article at link below).
Other Cambridge Citizens Coalition Research and Opinion Pieces published in Cambridge Day

Weekly Calendars of Local Civic & Other Events
Weekly Calendar A: Cambridge City Government - the CITY WEEKLY CALENDAR
Weekly Calendar B: Cambridge Day Weekly Calendar HERE
Weekly Calendar C: Cambridge Civic Weekly Calendar of Events and Meetings in Cambridge: Cambridge Civic
Weekly Calendar D: Have Fun! Patch Local Music and Entertainment: HERE
Weekly Calendar E: Find It Cambridge HERE
Weekly Calendar B: Cambridge Day Weekly Calendar HERE
Weekly Calendar C: Cambridge Civic Weekly Calendar of Events and Meetings in Cambridge: Cambridge Civic
Weekly Calendar D: Have Fun! Patch Local Music and Entertainment: HERE
Weekly Calendar E: Find It Cambridge HERE
Cambridge Citizens Coalition (CCC) was founded by local neighborhood group leaders and is led by them along with other local civic activists and residents dedicated to smart development, thoughtful city planning, good governance policies, sustainability, housing affordability, and the preservation of our trees, green spaces, and historic architecture.
"CCC is a city-wide organization that does not... believe that developers know best about how to solve the affordable housing crisis. That is pure neo-liberalism and that is the flavor favored by our political opponents. We are interested in taking land costs out of the equation as much as possible, building on city properties, encouraging land trusts and protecting renters. We also do not take a back seat on climate issues and want city resources spent on creating safe streets for bikers." (CCC Board Member, Chris Mackin).
"CCC is a city-wide organization that does not... believe that developers know best about how to solve the affordable housing crisis. That is pure neo-liberalism and that is the flavor favored by our political opponents. We are interested in taking land costs out of the equation as much as possible, building on city properties, encouraging land trusts and protecting renters. We also do not take a back seat on climate issues and want city resources spent on creating safe streets for bikers." (CCC Board Member, Chris Mackin).
CCC: Promoting a More Livable Cambridge
Cambridge Citizens Coalition (CCC) is dedicated to thoughtful city planning, smart development, good governance policies, sustainability, housing affordability, and the preservation of our trees, green spaces, and historic architecture.
1. Environmental Equity - addressing climate change can't wait! Safeguard trees and green spaces in every neighborhood.
2. Housing - stop gentrification, end exclusive single family zoning, create a real path to home ownership; add more mixed income housing
3. Smart Growth - we need a Citywide plan for smart growth (people before profits)
4. Neighborhoods are key (retain and build on naturally affordable longterm sustainable housing)
5. We live in an historic city; let's work together to preserve our rich architectural diversity.
6. Policies for equity (from Broadband and HEART to Universal Pre-K)
Cambridge Citizens Coalition (CCC) is dedicated to thoughtful city planning, smart development, good governance policies, sustainability, housing affordability, and the preservation of our trees, green spaces, and historic architecture.
1. Environmental Equity - addressing climate change can't wait! Safeguard trees and green spaces in every neighborhood.
2. Housing - stop gentrification, end exclusive single family zoning, create a real path to home ownership; add more mixed income housing
3. Smart Growth - we need a Citywide plan for smart growth (people before profits)
4. Neighborhoods are key (retain and build on naturally affordable longterm sustainable housing)
5. We live in an historic city; let's work together to preserve our rich architectural diversity.
6. Policies for equity (from Broadband and HEART to Universal Pre-K)
CCC is free and open to everyone.
But we urge people able to do so to donate $25-$40 yearly either to help CCC 's active Civic work (at the Act Blue link above) or to support complementary city election efforts at CambridgePac.org: HERE
But we urge people able to do so to donate $25-$40 yearly either to help CCC 's active Civic work (at the Act Blue link above) or to support complementary city election efforts at CambridgePac.org: HERE
Checks to Cambridge Citizens Coalition IE PAC can be mailed to CCC at P.O. Box 410291, Cambridge, MA 02141.
Checks to Cambridge Citizens Coalition can be mailed to CCC at P.O. Box 410083, Cambridge, MA 02141.
Checks to Cambridge Citizens Coalition IE PAC can be mailed to CCC at P.O. Box 410291, Cambridge, MA 02141.
Checks to Cambridge Citizens Coalition can be mailed to CCC at P.O. Box 410083, Cambridge, MA 02141.
CCC is committed to promoting good governance and to driving positive urban change. To fuel our mission, we rely on the generosity of individuals like you.CCC is committed to promoting good governance and to driving positive urban change. To fuel our mission, we rely on the generosity of individuals like you.
CCC stands with the LGBTQIA+ community’s fight for equality. We are committed to ending anti-LGBTQIA+ violence, bullying, and discrimination, and to ensuring that LGBTQIA+ individuals are treated with dignity and respect in their communities, their workplaces, and their schools. CCC believes in nurturing growth and positive change for individuals and communities alike. We stand with and advocate for equity and social justice for indigenous communities, people of color (BIPOC), those with disabilities, others marginalized and individuals practicing every religious faith.
We honor and acknowledge that Cambridge sits on the traditional homelands of the Massachusett people. We also acknowledge their close neighbors and relatives, the Nipmuc and Wampanoag peoples.
We honor and acknowledge that Cambridge sits on the traditional homelands of the Massachusett people. We also acknowledge their close neighbors and relatives, the Nipmuc and Wampanoag peoples.