CCC $$ Support
CCC Support: We would not be able to do what we do without the critical help of generous Cambridge resident donors. Thank you!! We urge you and others to continue your support with one of our Donation Options.
Two GREAT CCC Donation Options (Green and Blue)
I. CCC Election Donations (GREEN BUTTON): In Election Years (2023) we urge donations via the GREEN BUTTON (ActBlue - CCC's Election Pac Fund) at the top of the page to elect a far more responsive City Council. Please also visit our CCC-IE website ( - HERE).
Checks can also be made out to Cambridge Citizens Coalition IE Pac and mailed to CCC-IE at P.O. Box 410291, Cambridge MA 02141.
II. CCC Civic Donations (BLUE BUTTON): : Every year (and especially during non-election years) we urge donations via the BLUE BUTTON (ActBlue) to support CCC's Civic Work in addressing city governance and other issues.
Checks can also be made to the Cambridge Civic Coalition and mailed to CCC at P.O. Box 410083, Cambridge MA 02141.
Participate in CCC!
CCC: Everyone interested in participating with CCC is welcome! How do you sign-up? Click the ORANGE BUTTON to "Join" band receive our newsletters. These newsletters are information rich, and few in number) that address key issues before the city.
Basic CCC Support $$
Support: CCC has no membership dues or requirements, but we urge basic level CCC affiliates to donate $40.00 per year. What does this donation go to support our various citywide work. Payment can be made to the BLUE or GREEN donate buttons at the top of each page.
Volunteer to Help CCC
Contact us: at CCCoalition1 at gmail dot com
Who/What is CCC?
What is CCC: Cambridge Citizens Coalition is a group of residents & neighborhood group leaders dedicated to smart development, sustainability, housing affordability, and the preservation of our trees, green spaces, and historic architecture. Contact us at CCCoalition1 at gmail dot com.
Who Leads CCC?
CCC Leadership Organization: CCC is run by a volunteer group of civic leaders from across the city (see "Who We Are" at the Home Page Tab). Our steering committee (a mix of Board Members and Advisors who wish to be active meet regularly and often are in email or phone contact discussion key city issues.
CCC's Mission
CCC Mission: To create a better, more livable Cambridge. To learn more on our stance on realistic affordable housing, sustainability, public services and public policy. Cambridge Citizens Coalition is a group of local residents dedicated to smart development, sustainability, affordable housing, and the preservation of our trees, green spaces, and historic architecture.
Contact us at CCCoalition1 at gmail dot com. or by mail at P.O. Box 410291, Cambridge, MA 02141.
Smart City Planning: Our future depends on our actions today!
+Policies that matter on Accountability, Transparency, and Good Government
+Policies that matter on the Environment, Green Issues, and Sustainability
+Policies that matter on Equity, Justice, Community and Neighborhood Engagement
+Policies that matter on Smart Growth, Infrastructure, Planning and Design
+Policies that matter on Accountability, Transparency, and Good Government
- We support a close scrutiny of the City Government around issues of accountability, Transparence and Good Government.
- We abhor the recent increase in bullying of residents and members of our adjudication boards.
- CCC was founded in the shadow of the old Cambridge Civic Association that played a central role in the establishment of Plan E here.
- CCC plans to be involved in present and ongoing discussions as the core tenets of Plan E come under review.
- CCC maintains that both the City Council and the City Itself needs much more transparency and accountability.
- CCC insists that Cambridge needs a plan. The Envision Process left us with a large number of goals (some of them contradictory). These issues need to be resolved and then we need the Planning Board and Council to formally approve the new plan.
- Employ city-owned land to build more affordable housing
- Create and use land trusts for affordable housing.
- Continue to employ inclusionary housing models
- Slow and eventually stop gentrification (initially by putting in place a 3 year moratorium on condo conversions)
- Stop the conversion of multi-family homes into single family homes
- Help tenants by requiring 3 month notification for lease terminations
- Help tenants buy homes through city backed or funded down payment for low-and-middle income tenants
- Require all large Cambridge employers to provide an area housing and transportation plan for employees and affiliates with a goal of reaching 100% housed by 2040. Set yearly achievable goals accountable through fees if goals are not met.
- End exclusionary zoning (zoning for exclusively single family housing) - the Donovan petition we submitted – is one such avenue.
- Provide non-congregant housing for our unhoused population.
- Add greater density and height for housing specifically on our corridors near transportation and on or near sites where new commercial developments are occurring
- Encourage the creation of an independent renters alliance group to be effective in negotiations with the City and help guide renter-related policy.
+Policies that matter on the Environment, Green Issues, and Sustainability
- Address citywide open space and tree needs, water needs
- Address site specific issues around flood zones
- Prevent further loss of our diminishing mature tree canopy
- Take our water issues seriously
- Take seriously issues of environmental equity and justice in open space and tree availability in the denser parts of the city.
+Policies that matter on Equity, Justice, Community and Neighborhood Engagement
- Inclusive processes that bring into play communities most impacted
- Address both organization and process in a way that engages neighborhoods
- We support the goals and processes of the HEART petition.
- We support Universal Pre-K (and are stunned that Cambridge does not yet have it).
- We support Universal Broadband and urge the City to work with our universities and info-tech companies to make this a reality.
- We support City policies that would encourage Cambridge to become a global arts center (in visual arts, cuisine, music, theatre and other domains).
+Policies that matter on Smart Growth, Infrastructure, Planning and Design
- Enact the Envision Plan after defining top priorities and addressing existing conflicts in language
- Open our local squares to more pedestrian engagement by limiting vehicular traffic during key parts of the day and night.
- Balance residential with commercial interests
- Holding local companies and institutions accountable in providing an area plan to address housing and transportation needs for employees and other affiliates
What is inPlay?
Real estate development has been running our city. For many years, commercial developers have been given free rein from Alewife to West Cambridge to North Point and East Cambridge, encouraged by our own City government. It is time to take a hard look at what we, as residents and tax payers, want for the future of Cambridge.
Our mission is to put the interests of residents over the interests of developers, to foster common sense over nonsense in City Hal, and to ensure that future development sustains the health of the entire community rather than just lining the pockets of developers and driving even more of our neighbors away.
Cambridge needs and deserves a City Council that is professional not blindly ideological; that represents the city of Cambridge not just those with money and advantage; that brings all of us together in common cause instead of dividing us for narrow political ends. Above all we need a City Council that tells us the truth.
We need to respect all that is best about Cambridge: the welcoming atmosphere for diverse communities, the human scale, the spirit of innovation, and unique qualities of every neighborhood. The Cambridge Citizens Coalition welcomes all Cambridge residents of every ethnicity, gender identity, and income, whether renter or homeowner, whether old or young, whether worker or student, what every type of family you have, however long you've been here.
Our mission is to put the interests of residents over the interests of developers, to foster common sense over nonsense in City Hal, and to ensure that future development sustains the health of the entire community rather than just lining the pockets of developers and driving even more of our neighbors away.
Cambridge needs and deserves a City Council that is professional not blindly ideological; that represents the city of Cambridge not just those with money and advantage; that brings all of us together in common cause instead of dividing us for narrow political ends. Above all we need a City Council that tells us the truth.
We need to respect all that is best about Cambridge: the welcoming atmosphere for diverse communities, the human scale, the spirit of innovation, and unique qualities of every neighborhood. The Cambridge Citizens Coalition welcomes all Cambridge residents of every ethnicity, gender identity, and income, whether renter or homeowner, whether old or young, whether worker or student, what every type of family you have, however long you've been here.
Cambridge Citizens Coalition in the News
Harvard Crimson on the 2019 CCC Candidates Forum (Oct. 6, 2019)
Harvard Crimson on the 2019 CCC Candidates Forum (Oct. 6, 2019)